Saturday, August 24, 2002
Draft Employer Weblog Policy
Created by attorney Jeff Seul for Groove Networks. [Via Ray Ozzie, via Blogroots] This policy seems fair, straightforward and thankfully free of lawspeak. Nice job, counsellor Seul.
Coming To A Freeway Near You
I've been behind on checking into Larry Lessig's OSCON speech (about which he has more to say here), but it's been that kind of week. Imagine how pleased I was, then, to learn I could take Larry to go, via iPod! (MP3 available here or here, as well as various other flavors.) Won't be the first time I've caught up on my blogging in the car.
With the advent of iTunes 3.0 and iPod Software 1.2, and the new support for Audible, I've had about six seconds, tops, of bittersweet regret for the passing of the Audible Mobile Player that has been more or less attached to my person for the last 3 1/2 years. There's a new kid in town, and he's James Dean to the poor Mobile Player's Sal Mineo. (Guess that makes me Ms. Natalie; I'll take it!) The (10 Gig) 'Pod is unflaggingly flexible, still begging to be filled with stuff (with three solid days of material on there now, it's got miles to go), plays on the car and home stereo, and acts as a portable hard drive and PDA. Can't praise it enough.
Which reminds me, a friend is going on a PowerBook switching/buying spree tomorrow and wants help. Help! Sounds like a job for Will Power...
Before I sign off, apropos of nothing but a good read, go check out Davezilla's Worst Date Ever No. 9. Is she in legal, do you think?
Getting There...
MacReporter is a slick little news aggregator for OS X. I like that it stays out of your way and lets you navigate straight from the dock. $12 shareware. This and BlogHog make a great infogathering tag team.
Friday, August 23, 2002
Internal Intelligence
Bay Area Law Students: this one'll go quick!: "The Electronic Frontier Foundation seeks a blogging intern to assist with with writing and posting DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) blog entries. ..." [Via Blogroots]
"I'll Take Him In Platinum"
LifeGem, purveyors of synthetic diamonds made from the remains of your loved one, plans to offer a catalogue of tasteful settings. No doubt the print version is on its way toward your mailbox. Trouble is, this is not exactly an impulse buy (where's Hitchcock when you need him?). [Via MSNBC]
Did You Patent The Hyperlink?
Then you're in dwindling company, which, according to a New York district court, does not include British Telecom. More at c | net, InfoWorld, The Register, and Bloomberg (thanks, Will!).
--Decision (PDF) [Via ILN]
Thursday, August 22, 2002
There's quite a bit I'd like to blog at the moment, but time is not my friend. Ideas swirling, cases that deserve lots of in-depth analysis. Sorry to tease but Wait, you must. In the meantime, here are some choice links:
Dorothea Salo has redesigned and is Looking Good.
Jeralyn Merritt has redesigned too and is providing loads of good commentary.
Professor Sorkin created Don't Link To Us! I don't remember noticing that the first time I saw the site; that would make it the good Prof's "other" blog. It also got recent attention on c | net and elsewhere. [Thanks, Ernest!]
Drew Clark, Senior Writer at National Journal's Technology Daily, has a great dual column weblog, with excerpts of his NJTD materal on the left, and his independent writings on the right. Double your pleasure, double your fun, it's two -- two -- two blogs in one. (Ok, I'm invoking nothing but tired pop-cultural references -- time to beat it.)
Pavlovich Argument
The Pavlovich Net jurisdiction case has been scheduled for oral argument before the California Supreme Court on September 5. More about the case is here from InfoWorld, here from the EFF, and here from me.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
Checks, Balances, And Bashman
Howard's new Slate piece, Poll-Tergeist -- Why the Supreme Court shouldn't care what you think, reminds us of the fundamental policies underlying the existence of the judicial branch:
Here in the United States—where an unelected federal judiciary is responsible for resolving the most politically and socially divisive issues of our time—it is not surprising that the term "unconstitutional" has become colloquially synonymous with "very, very bad thing." In the public's mind, all matters fervently opposed either are unconstitutional or should be. Yet caution should guide those who approve of having the Constitution's meaning determined by referendum. For public opinion can, and does, change.Double congratulations are in order: for the erudite essay and the excellent channel in which it appears!
Legal Writing For The Web
Diana Digges has an article in this week's Lawyers Weekly U.S.A. entitled Writing For The Web -- Concise Writing A Must: Content And Presentation Are Inseparable, which includes quotes from Mark Pruner (President of Web Counsel), Sue Mellen (President of YourWriters), Nick Usborne (author of the wonderful Net Words), and me (of here).
Lawyers Weekly U.S.A. is a print publication with both free and subscriber-based material on the Web. Its home page is here, and the article is here (if you register for the three week free trial, you can access the article).
--Later: More about Diana Digges, here and here.
Better To Better
"From what I've seen Jaguar is leaps and bounds ahead of Mac OS X 10.1 in both speed and functionality." [Jim Dalrymple at MacCentral, via Adam Curry]
It shouldn't surprise you that I find this Winer-Svenson-Winer-Lessig-Winer exchange monumentally exciting. Or that Doc does.
--Later: See Andrew's alert observation.
--And later: more thoughts from Dave and Ernie.
Blawg Wednesday
Well hello Andrew Raff ("Shameless Self Promotion"), founding editor of online journal Buzz, Rant & Rave, first-year at Brooklyn Law School and keeper of a nicely designed Web site. And welcome back Larry Staton, Jr. ("statonBlog"), from your summer hiatus.
Two Treats Worth Waiting For
1. A web-based, refreshingly straightforward blog and news aggregator: BlogHog. (Thanks, Michael!) Nothing to download. Anywhere acess. Simple and quick to register and add pages. Ahhhhh.
2. Somone finally got around to interviewing Paynter, that someone being George Partington. The interview is here. "I had a college job in a huge library and was awed by the mathematical impossibility of ever absorbing its contents. The net is so much bigger, but linking gives us a way to fly through the information in a way that makes it all accessible. The daunting mathematics of a number of volumes with sequential pagination arranged in rows of shelving across multiple floors of the stacks has given way to an intellectual anti-gravity that makes me welcome the volume and complexity of published content." Ahhhhh.
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
Hip Haberdashery
Have you been paying attention to the renaissance in skullcap headwear? If not, fear not: dialed-in fashionistas and the U.S. Supreme Court studiously attend such sartorially significant developments. Howard has more now, with visual aids to follow.
--As promised.
(un)Natural Progressions
First there was Blog Meetup. Now it's RageBoy's First Annual All-Nude Mudblogging Invitational™. Ah my friends, can you not appreciate how these close encounters of the blog kind are fraught with mischief? Just how long will it be, I ask you, before legions of bloggers descend on your home with infernal door spam??
Monday, August 19, 2002
Your Reading List
Be sure to subscribe early and often to "Forbs" (Thanks Gary!) and to settle in with Installment I of Frank Paynter's interview with Mike Golby.
--New day, new installment: Golby Part II.
--And Part III.
--Parts IV and V.
Sunday, August 18, 2002
Forgive me for waxing grateful and proud of these kind words from Halley Suitt, an admirable writer, thinker, mom and F.O.R.B. (friend of RageBoy; geez, sorry to learn about the blog-kids, Halley, but I hear they're doing miraculous things with reconstructive therapy these days), whose blog I have enjoyed for many months.
Some other right-column revisions: TPB and Morgan Wilson have new domains, and Claire Stewart [via Donna] joins my list of legal/organizational wizards.
School Clothes
It has been fun to check in with JCA and Nikki as they get ready to start law school, and to finally get down to reading a Dahlia Lithwick article, something I've been too remiss about in light of Howard's enthusiasm for her writing and flair. No surprise: he's right, she's a stitch, and her Kiplingesque advice -- in which she compares the ephemeral, illusory, yet all-consuming "needs" that can buffet a law student like cat in a washing machine* to a child's desire for a Tonka Backhoe or Malibu Skipper -- is right on. Dodd H. and Alice W. share yet more hard-won wisdom. With these, and a tiny bit of Xanax, ladies (hey! it throttles PMS, too), the next few years should be a breeze. (Professor Schwartz's advice strikes me as, well, something a professor who's had it up to here with unprepared students might write. Of course, it's useful she's taken you "through the looking glass" to where the professors dwell -- see her "mirror" suggestion and Alice's thoughts -- and you've got to admire a professor who does not let intimate familiarity with the course material restrain her thinking: "Even if I have taught a case for nine years, I find something new in it every time I read it, and often one student will interpret a case in a way that completely surprises me -- and the other students. There is no hard and fast meaning for cases and statutes; they are almost always subject to interpretation.")
So, march forth, friends! (But don't hesitate to bust out reasonable facsimiles of these from time to time, for perspective's sake.)
*["Fluff The Kitty," via Martin Sargent/The Screen Savers/Tech TV]
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Denise M. Howell and included in the Bag and Baggage weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.