Thursday, August 22, 2002
There's quite a bit I'd like to blog at the moment, but time is not my friend. Ideas swirling, cases that deserve lots of in-depth analysis. Sorry to tease but Wait, you must. In the meantime, here are some choice links:
Dorothea Salo has redesigned and is Looking Good.
Jeralyn Merritt has redesigned too and is providing loads of good commentary.
Professor Sorkin created Don't Link To Us! I don't remember noticing that the first time I saw the site; that would make it the good Prof's "other" blog. It also got recent attention on c | net and elsewhere. [Thanks, Ernest!]
Drew Clark, Senior Writer at National Journal's Technology Daily, has a great dual column weblog, with excerpts of his NJTD materal on the left, and his independent writings on the right. Double your pleasure, double your fun, it's two -- two -- two blogs in one. (Ok, I'm invoking nothing but tired pop-cultural references -- time to beat it.)
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Denise M. Howell and included in the Bag and Baggage weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.