Saturday, June 08, 2002
Voice From Beyond
The L.A. Times reports the Monterey Bay Aquarium is trolling for a juvenile great white shark to exhibit, despite the fact no one has been able to keep one alive in captivity for more than three weeks. "It would be a wonderful spokesman for the aquarium," says John O'Sullivan, curator of field operations, according to the Times. Oh, well terrific then. But I'm guessing there's not much a young shark can utter while it's busy dying:
"Our white shark lived longer than anyone else's because we let it go before it died," said [John] McCosker [of San Francisco's Steinhart Aquarium], who has co-written a book on great whites. That 7-foot shark was moved from Bodega Bay to the aquarium, but once inside, it banged so hard against the tank that it exhausted itself.
Friday, June 07, 2002
See You Soon
Light to no blogging for the weekend; Mel's in town; he says hi.
Show Tunes
Sir Noel Coward and Elaine Stritch asked, "Why do the wrong people travel when the right people stay home?" This sentiment is reprised by many who use the Web for convenience toward those who blog, chat or discuss. Sooner or later though, everyone wants to visit the pyramids.
Thursday, June 06, 2002
And just what do you think I was treated to on my drive home? Geoffrey Nunberg discussing legal constructions of "prurience:"
I have an image of Larry Flynt stopping passers-by to ask their opinion of the latest number of Hustler: "What do you think? Not too prurient, is it?"[Via NPR's Fresh Air] ("Just too much to describe," says Chuck.)
Now This Is Cool
Just Plain Neat; Just Plain Crummy
Another techie law firm insider begins to blog interesting thoughts about knowledge management: Joy London and Excited Utterances: "In 'excited utterances'--my favorite exception to the hearsay rule--I'll most likely focus on the sociological and psychological side of implementing KM at places like BigLaw. Stay tuned . . ." [Via Genie Tyburski, Ernie The Attorney and Christopher Smith] Because Genie pointed to Joy, I will have to forgive her for also pointing to the downer of the day: the fact that Hotmail soon will begin charging for pop mail retrieval. Grrr.
Somebody Stop Him Before It's Too Late!
Tom Shugart's on deck too.
And Gary Says...
"A great conversation and a wonderful idea, interviews conducted on email and then blogged when complete. I wonder when someone will get round to interviewing Frank?" He also likens Frank's writing to that of an inveterate madman; I would simply add one should not forget the economy-sized dog.
Silk; Review
Ooh, I like how the Web looks on Silk (thanks, Doc). I also like Dr. Weinberger's take on Frank's interview: "More like, um, a one-act play presented as an e-epistolary interchange with the public looking over its shoulder. It's got anecdotes, banter, theories, jokes, links, poems, photos, a top ten list and therapy. Also homeless people who smell like Dungeness crab."
Wednesday, June 05, 2002
So This Is How Microbes Feel
Frank Paynter has been hard at work, giving new meaning to the term "biographical sketch." For a considerably more detailed "about" page on yours truly, go here. Also, don't miss his maiden voyage with Elaine, or his forthcoming outings with Jeneane Sessum and Mike Golby.
-Later/p.s.: what I really dug about this interview is how much it was a conversation, and how much I learned about Frank along the way.
Updated the "menage a blogs" with a few entries today: Marek, Kevin, Andrew and Mark/Cory/David, because I'm reading their wonderful offerings all the time and so there they should be, and also George, because Jeneane has me under her complete control and I'm betting Elaine is behind this somehow. Things are getting awfully crowded down the right side of this page, so I'm thinking redesign. "Coming, to a Blog Near You, this Summer!"
What's $12 Million Between Friends?
The New York Times reports (subscription required) that Woody Allen is having trouble drawing crowds both at the theater and the courthouse. (More from CNN) Seems Woody is suing his former producer and "longtime warm" friend for $12 million, but can't see where this should affect their friendship or social schedule.
"He said he had intended that he and Ms. Doumanian would remain friends and actually enjoy the lawsuit, like playful adversaries in a Spencer Tracy-Katharine Hepburn film. He said he thought that she would find the suit 'amusing' and that they would be 'having dinner at night at Le Cirque and facing each other by day.'"I think Woody has hit on just the solution I need to stimulate droll repartee with old friends. Pardon me, I have some summonses to prepare.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002
Tiki: The Great Leveler
Cory's tastes have become mainstream, and Barbie's have become tropical. Wish I were six! [Mini Tiki Party Set, nicely complements Cabana or Pergola.]
Ernie Blogs Marek - Atta Boys!
Marek's legions of fans include another Attorney, (of the Ernie variety), who rightly notes "close observation" is in order. Marek's piece on corporate blogging asks, "Wanna Play Passion? We are ready."
Wherever, Whenever
"Note: This handy application is now available on your web-enabled cell phone, for those times when you need some bullshit but aren't near a PC. Just point your phone's browser to and follow your nose."The Web Economy Bullshit Generator: don't leave home without it. (See also The Excellent Intranet Cost Analyzer, and Amazon 2001: A Navigation Odyssey.)
Well Done
This is too cool (Amphetadesk-creator's response to Ed Murray re peccadillos). Now there's another news aggregator I have to give a whirl. And I promised Ernie I'd download Radio. And it's raining writs (and briefs, and oral arguments, and...) still at work. And things keep popping up from Frank. And guests and fathers are descending for the weekend, which will (happily) require interaction with close-range humans over the keyboard and LCD. You'll all keep me up on things until the electronic agents can jump in, won't you?
The Big Questions
Daniel Taylor and an enduring philosophical dilemma (06/03): "If she's nude, how do you know she's Batgirl?" (Wow, and click the "shoes to match" link while you're there.)
Monday, June 03, 2002
Alternatively Speaking
Author Alan M. Schlein (Find It Online: The Complete Guide To Online Research) offers reviews of non-Google search engines, including Daypop, Kartoo and, of course, BuffySearch. [Via The Screen Savers]
RSS Primer; Blogger Pro RSS; Auto-Discovery
Steven Cohen's article on RSS for non-techies is up at llrx. Thanks Steven, we non-librarians appreciate this too.
Hey, and the Blogger Pro RSS generator now works for blog*spot users! So, if you're subscribing here, I suggest updating to, which is RSS v. 0.91 and includes post headings. (I'll leave the Voidstar code in the template for anyone who prefers v. 0.92 and no headings, and/or has no time for this sort of thing.)
Finally, as I understand the RSS auto-discovery talk -- "you can subscribe to an HTML page, and if it has a suitable 'link' element in its 'head', the aggregator will subscribe to the RSS feed it points to" -- I have done the deed to Bag and Baggage. If you are auto-discovering my RSS (will this require local anesthetic?), do let me know that it worked.
"An Anguished Bunch"
Good story about knowledge management software company RecomMind and its management:
"[C.O.O. Derek] Schueren doesn't know much about lawyers. Like everyone else at RecomMind, he's never worked at a firm, or sold to lawyers before, but he believes they are an anguished bunch. 'There's a great amount of knowledge at law firms, and it's frustrating [for lawyers] not to be able to tap into it,' says Schueren."[Via]
Sunday, June 02, 2002
Memory Banks
"Being deprived of my blog right now would be akin to suffering extensive brain-damage. Huge swaths of acquired knowledge would simply vanish. Just as my TiVo frees me from having to watch boring television by watching it for me, my blog frees me up from having to remember the minutae of my life, storing it for me in handy and contextual form." [Cory Doctorow at O'Reilly]Ev, I have been hoping your backup redundancy is on the really well thought out side.
Another One Bites The Dust
Christopher: fantastic. Now, do me a favor and jump right into Gonzo Marketing which picks up where Cluetrain leaves off. Then drop Jeneane a line and come join us at Reading Gonzo Engaged. (This invitation is by no means exclusive to Christopher, but he's on a roll.)
The Unexamined TV Viewer
Declan McCullagh has the scoop on Judge Cooper's recent order in the ReplayTV case, where she reversed the magistrate judge's directive about collecting viewer data. He also has a link to the Epic amicus brief on privacy issues, but it sounds like the judge was more focused on technical burdens than privacy ones.
New Book Focuses On Mentoring For Women
Author Elizabeth Vrato says of her book The Counselors: Conversations With 18 Courageous Women Who Have Changed the World, "I want my readers to feel like they've just had a cup of coffee with Sandra Day O'Connor . . . She might say something that she wouldn't just say to someone at some cocktail party." [Via] A.k.a., she might say something she might just say on a blog.
Yes, And Yes
I'm with Ernie, but also with Ed. Patience, child, all in time. Maybe it's purely a Donna Summer thing.
Onshore Flow
Fastest summer on record as the fog's in and June Gloom decided it was a day late and - well you know. That, and Shelley, are reminding me it's been too long since I took in this same ocean from a higher, colder place, wading through sharp grass, breathing through down, looking but not finding a stretch of water that was not white.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Denise M. Howell and included in the Bag and Baggage weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.