Saturday, August 12, 2006
Christina Aggregate
- Monica Bay elucidates problems with e-discovery in the Enron case: part 1, part 2.
- Monica is also enjoying Chris Anderson's book enough to feature its ramifications for the legal world in the upcoming issue of Law Technology News.
- Kevin Heller, citing recent stats re YouTube: "in Jul 06 86 of the top 100 videos were user-generated content."
- Jim Calloway and Tom Mighell in the ABA's Law Practice Today provide a comprehensive look at all things blawg.
- Marty Schwimmer points to things that suck time and resources.
- I can't. "[F]ully comprehend the reasons why law firms or government agencies would reject any blogging by their employees," that is.
- Ernie Svenson has been submitting dispatches from Panama.
- The AP offers its take on the University of California joining Google Library.
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