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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Mr. President, We Must Not Allow A Mine Shaft Gap!

In case it didn't immediately ring a bell, the title slug is from General "Buck" Turgidson in Dr. Stangelove. I was reminded of it when reading this article on lawyers "leaping" into the blogosphere (I wonder if that's meant to evoke paratroopers or lemmings?). This quote is just as funny as General Buck's, and shows just as little appreciation for the larger issues at hand: "With new blogs appearing daily, there's obviously a danger that law firms slow to launch will find themselves at the bottom of the blog pack." If law firms are planning to blog so they can be at the "top" of some kind of pack, they're probably in it for the wrong reasons and setting themselves up for disappointment. (There are a few other chuckles in the article, but I'll leave the fun of finding and/or associating movie quotes with them to you.)

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