Monday, June 27, 2005
The Grokking Continues
Very shortly after the decision came out this morning, ZDNet posted this article by John Borland: The Supreme Court's ruling against P2P. Aside from the unfortunately overbroad and thus inaccurate title (the ruling hinged on the record before the court on summary judgment in this case, which, as the article itself points out, the defendants can still win), the article amounts to a concise, plain English FAQ about the case. It doesn't go into the myriad legal ins and outs (the author can't have had much time to even consider them), but it does provide comprehensible answers on most of the Big Picture issues.
The commentary and analysis all day has been an incredibly informative torrent in its own right. JD Lasica, guest-blogging at Ernie Miller's, wants to know what you think, as do I.
C.E. Petit and I are about to record an installment of The Importance Of...Law and IT with Ernie Miller, which should be up later tonight.
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