Monday, April 18, 2005
Getting Geek
Doc cracked me up recently by merely mentioning getting small, which as a kid I could spiel off from memory, air banjo and all.
Talk about a banner year for artistic endeavor: Let's Get Small came out in 1977, same as Star Wars. My latest guilty pleasure has been the podcast from, which is a great way to eavesdrop on how the dearly devoted are gearing up for the last ever new release of a Star Wars film. Can't wait until May 19? Neither could I. So I caved and bought the audio book. (Haven't listened yet, we'll see how long that lasts.) Apparently I'm not alone: the based-on-the-screenplay novel is No. 3 on the New York Times Bestseller list.
[Update]: I mean, we're talking about a watershed year bar none for creativity. I wonder if there have been studies. Also from 1977 (via a promo on the Daily Source Code): Don't Give Up On Us Baby.
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