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Sunday, March 13, 2005

Phoney Firms

This article about law firms hiding associate contact information in an effort to thwart third party recruitment has been making the rounds. My $.02:

  • I don't care where we are in the economic cycle. The single most unassailable truth about the legal profession in the last 20 years is that lawyers are free agents at all junctures of their careers. They move fluidly between firms, go in-house, leave in-house jobs and go to firms, leave big firms for small firms or solo practices and vice versa, leave firms to work in the judicial system or politics or academia and vice versa, and leave the field altogether. Fighting that tide by refusing to put contact information on a Web site is like brandishing a bucket at the Pacific. Heck, people move around so much in the legal field even the folks behind the blog that attempted to chronicle its comings and goings have moved on to other things.
  • Make your firm a great place to work and no amount of headhunter calls will distract your abundant and dedicated work force. In the immortal words of Tony Pierce [via the latest, and always rockin', Belly]:

all you need to do is rock

and do it every f-----g day.

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