Monday, February 28, 2005
You Say Bug, I Say Feature
Al Nye thinks Podcasting Needs Advertising. I told Al I disagreed, and here's why. It's not that I don't want and won't listen to 'casts that are commercially supported, and thus presumably have higher production values and less, shall we say, unfocused material. I want that stuff. But I want the amateur stuff as well, and I probably want it more than I want slick, produced efforts. The simplicity of "producing" a quickie, relatively low-tech podcast means an exponential increase in access to and distribution of specialized information. I feel exactly the same way about weblogs. Just getting the material out there is extraordinarily powerful. I don't need to have the Becker-Posner blog, for example, bear a stronger resemblance to something that is commercially supported; in fact, it's much better as far as I'm conerned if it does not. I'd feel the same way about any podcast its authors might choose to put out. Easy, cheap tools = low barrier to entry, huge numbers can do it at some baseline level of quality. This is a Good Thing, as is finding the occasional respite from the advertising that saturates our existence. (I mean, c'mon: building elevators?)
Related: Steve Gillmor on the (sponsor-supported, and I like it, I listen) Chris Pirillo Show, talking about attention.xml and attention as a coin of the realm. I bring it up because I sense at least a couple of digital divides in this context: 1) those can afford not to share their attention metadata vs. those who can't, and 2) the time and/or money strapped "amateurs" vs. the "professionals."
Also related, via Genie Tyburski, RSS, Not Just Text Anymore: "[A] new practice, called appcasting, enables the RSS-like distribution of applications. 'RSS enclosures would make it really easy for teachers to distribute files to their students. A teacher could post lecture notes, multimedia content, or any other kind of electronic document.'" My point: Few-to-Few is every bit as valuable as Many-to-Many.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Denise M. Howell and included in the Bag and Baggage weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.