Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Rip, Mix ... Plawdcast!
Evan Schaeffer: "I just plugged my drum machine into my digital recorder, hooked up my guitar, and added a little reverb to the mix. Then I started over again at the beginning and read from Black's Law Dictionary. The resulting mp3 can be found here." Subscribed! (Via the really, really useful Kevin Heller.)
More fun from Bob Ambrogi: Newport Beach home to half the nation's 'plawdcasters'.
Interested in the genesis of podcasting? Dave Winer raps it out. I remember visiting Adam Curry's blog during or right after the first BloggerCon — when he posted his request for help in coming up with an iPodder-type app — and begging them to hurry up. Kevin Marks was in that comment thread too, I think. And here's an artifact for you: my live blogging of Glenn Reynolds at Revenge of the Blog in November '02: "Audio and/or visual blogging? Adam Curry and Dave Winer supposedly are working on software apps to make audio blogging easier."
Bonus links, via Dave Sifry (not sure if these are out of alpha yet?): Technorati's Top 20 MP3s and accompanying RSS+enclosures feed to download the Top 20 with your iPodder client.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Denise M. Howell and included in the Bag and Baggage weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.