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Monday, January 03, 2005

Plawdosphere Update

Bret Fausett joins the plawdosphere! Do three 'casts constitute a 'sphere? Yes, because this will grow exponentially before our very eyes, and it will be fun to watch as it does. (Though whether you want to call it plawdcasting is entirely up to you, of course. I kind of like the evocation of "plaudit" and "plod," but then, I threw it out there, of course I'm partial.) In the meantime though, I've got to say some of of the technical set-ups I've seen (Bret's is a good example) are waaay more than I'm ready to tackle at the moment. However, I'm looking forward to the arrival of the February issue of MacAddict, which I understand has a slew of podcasting utilities included on its accompanying disk.

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