Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Stealth Post—Conferential
Don't tell my family I'm blogging, we're on vacation and I'll never hear the end of it (what did they think I toted the PowerBook here for, chess?) With hotel WiFi and a sleeping baby I scarcely have a choice, but will keep this short and sweet.
I got a note from Renee Blodgett that her blog is up and packed with great coverage from BloggerCon and PopTech. I hope Renee has met fellow flack Michael, if not, there's a virtual intro for ya. Lots of interesting items for the blawgosphere from links off Renee's page:
- NewsGator's Enterprise RSS blog, "All About RSS in the Enterprise." (No, the other Enterprise.)
- The upcoming BlogBusinessSummit in Seattle, January 24-25.
The blog for the latter links to BuzzMachine coverage of the AdTech blogging panel, "How To Play With Fire Without Getting Burned." Quoth Jeff: "At sessions such as this, the first question from nervous corporate types is, 'What do the lawyers say?'" Well, BlogBusinessSummit is taking proposals for speakers and "strong" panels. One or a few blawgers should get up there and tell them.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Denise M. Howell and included in the Bag and Baggage weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.