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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Hi And Bye, Digital ID World!

It's disappointing to have to make such a surgical strike appearance at Digital ID World, but I'm glad at least to have an unbroken attendance streak at this event. It's an important conference that still flies somewhat under the radar. And Doc's keynoting tomorrow, which is inevitably a "Don't Miss."

Phil Windley did a great job blogging our panel, and asked me to take a look to make sure he got the message across. He did, with one clarification: Courts have been surprisingly active lately in upholding, defining, and enforcing fair use rights (Kelly v. Arriba Soft; Lexmark v. SCC; OPG v. Diebold). The Betamax doctrine has also been confirmed, and software that has been characterized as potentially a copyright violation in its own right has been found legal (Grokster). There has been enough of this in evidence lately that it begs the question what courts will think of hardware that gives software and content creators the ability to undermine the recent clarifications to these doctrines.

Boarding, see ya.

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