Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Totally Unrelated, Totally Fascinating
David D. Smyth has an article in the Baylor Law Review entitled A New Framework for Analyzing Gag Orders Against Trial Witnesses (PDF). David Hornik and I pay a visit in footnote 228 (there are 314 all told; don't you just love law review articles?), though there is much more interesting stuff going on here than David H.'s and my adventure at D: last year:
[T]he advent of the Internet and especially weblogs has erased the traditional split regarding First Amendment treatment of the media on the one hand and ordinary trial participants on the other. News media have traditionally been accorded greater First Amendment protection with respect to reporting on judicial events than other speakers receive. Now, because a witness's speech about a trial can easily take the form of a website post, the distinction between press and citizen-witness becomes much less significant, and the courts have less justification for granting lower protection to ordinary speakers than they do the media.
(Speaking of David H., please don't miss his Calendar Calisthenics Redux, in which David's CEO friend takes him to task most deliciously for whining a bit about the plight of the busy VC.)
Did you know you can teach babies to sign? Why would you want to if their hearing is fine? "Infants develop the fine muscles in their hands before they develop those required for speech, so they're equipped to communicate with you before they can speak." So sign (ouch) me up!
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