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Sunday, October 19, 2003

Today's New Blawg

Grant Perry is a former CNN correspondent, lawyer, and media consultant in Washington, DC, and writes Political Winds [via Bob Ambrogi, who met Grant at BloggerCon]:

Utopian visions aside, there was an enormous amount of useful, and yes, exciting, discussion [at BloggerCon]. There was a considerable amount of talk about how blogging is and will affect journalism and mainstream media. There is no question that blogs have already had an impact, certainly in terms of stories that swirl around the blogosphere before percolating "up" to the mainstream news organizations. And that's coming from a tiny percentage of the general population. When blogs become a form of mainstream media, their power will be manifest. I thought Doc Searls put it well when he said, "What Web logs have done is equip the demand side of journalism. We've had enough equipment on the supply side."

Speaking of Bob Ambrogi, congratulations to Sabrina Pacifici and LLRX for their well-deserved spot on his list of Ten Best Legal Sites of the Decade. Bob also has a current article on the future of legal technology featuring insights from many of your favorite blawgers.

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