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Friday, September 12, 2003

Keynote Inside; Set Those TiVos

I can't be sure (there're a whole whopping lot of us), but I think I might be working on, among other things, the first Keynote presentation ever to sneak in the doors at Reed Smith. Big deal, it's just like PowerPoint, right? I wish I could better put my finger on why that's not right, but it's not. Keynote is easier, more flexible, prettier for sure, and more fun (both to put together and to watch). Highly subjective I know, but you'll just have to take my word for it.

You'll also have to make sure to catch Music Wars tonight on TechTV (5:00 PDT/8:00 EDT), and the 90-minute panel discussion/open mike session (6:00 PDT/9:00 EDT) to follow. Good related links are Erik Parke's pending lawsuit against the RIAA (which has to have been brought under the omnipresent Business & Professions Code Section 17200), and the EFF's petition (via the West Coast's own Donna Wentworth).

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