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Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Catch Me Up If You Can

I've just been finishing an article for next month's issue of the CEB Civil Litigation Reporter, all about the joy and wonderment that is California Code of Civil Procedure Section 664.6. Truly. In the meantime, I've been updating the blawgroll in the background and will try to sprinkle the new links at you throughout the day. The first batch is courtesy of Howard Bashman:

Also, following up on my earlier post about AB 1165, a reader mentioned the separation of powers difficulties that arise when legislatures seek to enact laws that may usurp the constitutional authority of the courts. This issue is addressed in the L.A. County Bar Appellate Court Committee's April 17 letter to the bill's author (available here), and the California Office of the Attorney General wrote the legislators that:

It is our opinion that AB 1165 as enacted most likely would be found to be an impairment of the core power of the Supreme Court in violation of the separation of powers clause of the California Constitution (Cal. Const. art. 111, 3).

[via the CA Assembly Committee on Judiciary's analysis of AB 1165]

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