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Monday, December 16, 2002


Crazy day. (Any day you learn this beat this at the box office is crazy I suppose, not to mention that the full force of the storm finally has descended on Southern California and traffic stops here if someone so much as accidentally expectorates.) As is inevitable whenever I update the blawg roll, yet more updates immediately are in order. New Category. I'm pleased to usher in a new category here at B&B for legal bloggers who are not actually (or apparently) *in* the legal field, or who quite apparently *are* in the legal field but choose not to disclose precisely how. I'm calling it "Blawgers At Large," and its ranks now include J-Files, The Comedian, Sarah Lai Stirland [via the Blawg Ring], WierdOfTheNews [via the Blawg Ring] and The Fourteenth Circuit [via Howard Bashman]. As always, your input is most welcome. Steve Abreu, a 2L at Ohio State University, writes ZipSix. Lewis & Clark Law School student William writes Phact Pattern. [via Jack Bogdanski] "Feddie" is a federal judicial clerk with Southern Appeal. [via Howard Bashman] PAB is, well, a 3LinDC. [via Howard Bashman] I do so crave utter definitude! -- much as Don Quixote wished to kick some serious windmill hiney. Keep 'em coming, folks.

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