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Tuesday, May 21, 2002

For CA Judges: The Alexandria Law Library

Glen Buries, Staff Attorney to the San Diego Court Superior Court, gave me the go-ahead today to blog about this resource, "Alexandria, a collaboration for the Judiciary." The site is a virtual law library, "dedicated to and designed for the exclusive use of California judges and their in-house counsel. The goal is to centralize [their] legal research needs in a single web portal." Glen co-created the site, using FrontPage, with several colleagues in the California legal community who are acknowledged on the site's "credits" page: "At any point, any one of these people could have closed a door, and the project and this collaboration would have ended. It never happened. This website is dedicated to those who open doors and build bridges." Alexandria offers a wealth of tools for the California judiciary, including an "Ask Alexandria!" feature and pages devoted to time management and mental health. I'm impressed by the thought that went into centralizing the Web resources a jurist might need close at hand, and by the site's useful, entertaining and attractive format. Alexandria also rounds up links to the state's regional documents available online, "such as Municipal Codes, City Charters and Administrative Codes." As Chuck bemoaned recently, these things can be tough to track down. (FindLaw also has an excellent link list for these sorts of materials.) Congratulations to Glen and his friends for helping integrate the Web a part of the judicial library.

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