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Friday, February 22, 2002

Audible Utterances Cluetrain got a plug from Leo Laporte yesterday, as did Audible. Audible is near and dear to my heart because that's where I first found this RageBoy fellow... Enter "christopher locke" in the Audible search box today and up will pop 11 double-barreled EGR issues, ranted into a mic by the man himself, as well as the audio versions of Cluetrain, Gonzo and a May '98 IDG recording that includes "On Professionalism, Writer's Block, and The Gonzo Manifesto: Christopher Locke, a.k.a. RageBoy, dismantles the trappings of adulthood to expose their seamy underside." Nothing like a little trapping dismantling to make a commute or flight hum right along, hmm?

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