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Monday, October 31, 2005

Blawg Review #30

It's finally arrived: Howell-o-ween! I must confess: when I was initially approached, the prospect of hosting Blawg Review had all the charm of spending a quiet evening with the terrifying movie monster of your choice. I mean, let's get real. In the immortal words of Delilah (The Faculty (1998)), "These are Estee Lauder lips. They take 72 minutes to apply." Who wants to try to skim the cream off a blawgosphere growing in such a determined and unstoppable manner it could headline its own horror feature? I agreed because the editors thought it would be *cute* to have me play Blawg Review's Elvira given my last name, and it was several months ago — Halloween was a long way off. Now that the gruesome day is upon us, I'm pleased to report that putting together this post has been nothing but treat, through and through. Though Blawg Review's anonymous chief Editor says thanks and attribution to him/her and the contributing editors are neither necessary nor desirable, tough luck kids. This is my Howellin' at the Moon party and I'll thank who I want to. An impressive amount of effort went into compiling the following, and I can assure you precious little of it was my own. So thanks Kevin, Evan, Mike, and whoever-you-are. And thanks to the many other blawgers who recommended links too. Cue the strobe lights and spooky sound effects, we're on.

If You're Going As Someone Who Is Not Going To Be A Supreme Court Justice:

(Note to self: never, ever think a royal blue suit should play any role in your wardrobe. Ever.)

If You're Going As Some Other Member Of The Bush White House:

Then Jailhouse Rock is your designated theme for Halloween '05, and these might prove useful.

If You're Going As An Author, Librarian, Or Allegedly Infringing Search Engine:

If You're Going As An iPod:

Load yourself up with—

If You're Going As Big Brother:

Kevin O'Keefe or David Giacalone may be able to help, since both seem bent on ensuring our purity of verbal expression—

(Guys. Lighten. Up.)

If You're Going As A Blogger Or A Blawger:

Pajamas, a laptop, and no shower are all you need to complete the look in the first instance. In the second, you'll also need a briefcase — and these links, of course.

If You're Going As Mr. Happy Crack:

You likely have Marty Schwimmer to thank.

If You're Going As A Witch:

If You're Going As A Sex Offender:

If You're Going As One About To Explode From The Pressures Of Modern Life In General:

If You're Going As The Next Host Of Blawg Review:

Then you're going as Andrew Raff, who recently brought us up to speed on problems with the new Bluebook rule for citing blog posts. Blawg Review has more information about next week's host, and instructions how to get your blawg posts reviewed in upcoming issues.

Thanks so much for partaking, and by all means keep your eggs to yourself. —Ms. Howl

Creative Commons LicenseUnless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Denise M. Howell and included in the Bag and Baggage weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.