Sunday, September 18, 2005
All Grokked Up
I'll be paying a visit to the Grokster program tomorrow afternoon sponsored by the Orange County Bar Association Intellectual Property/Technology Law Section, then heading up to Northern California for the rest of the week. Tuesday night is our own program about the very same case, Discovering the New Legal Landscape for Digital Media, in connection with U.C. Berkeley's Haas School of Business. There's still room, and we'd love to have you, but please RSVP by emailing Leslie Austin so we know you're coming. If all goes as planned we'll podcast the audio, check back here for the particulars. Other pertinent details: the program features Pamela Sameulson, Hank Barry, and me as panelists, and Greg Beattie as our able moderator. Registration starts at 6:30 p.m., with the program from 7:00 to 8:30 in the Haas School's Wells Fargo Room. Hope to see you there!
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