Monday, June 20, 2005
Identifying The Need For A *Different* Kind Of Couselling
Aaron Weidenhaft, in a comment at Between Lawyers, on lawyers who might talk the talk without walking the walk: "It sounds like the author of the 'recommendation' was beaten by a blog as a small child and is now emotionally scarred."
[Later] "As the Covington lawyer heading up our blog initiative (and one of the guys responsible for the employee blogging piece), I just thought I'd weigh in on this discussion. ..." How great is that?
And from Dennis in response: "Ken, don't be so damn cautious - start that blog."
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Denise M. Howell and included in the Bag and Baggage weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.